Who is Rayani Immediato?


Rayani Immediato is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Writer, and Medium.

Her mission is to Show Paths, to show Humanity that it is possible to have quality of life, connection with one’s purpose, spiritual connection, self-awareness, prosperity, and success (whatever success means to you). Rayani does this through her courses, lectures, ventures, and now through this Blog.


By the way, the purpose of this website is to be a Universal Source of connection between Spirituality and Matter. We are spirits incarnated in a body. The path to Happiness is not to ignore this truth. We should indeed be connected with the higher force and live the materiality of Earthly life healthily and harmoniously. This is a gift that spirituality has given us! The opportunity to come here and enjoy this experience while we evolve.


Therefore, your Divine Right is to live an abundant life of ease, prosperity, joy, and glory. And that’s what Olimpo exists for: your point of connection and evolution between both sides.


Rayani awakened her consciousness at the return of Saturn at 27 years old.


After achieving grand results in Digital Marketing with her first company, the Brazilian Dubbing Society, Rayani faced her so-called Dark Night of the Soul.

After her school reached millionaire revenues and won entrepreneurship awards, and SBD became the largest dubbing school in Brazil, Rayani looked at all of that and saw no sense at all. Despite the numerous testimonials from students showing how much their lives had been transformed by the SBD mission, Rayani questioned herself:

‘Is this really my mission? Am I on the right path? Is this all there is, or is there something more? When I die, will I have gotten more right than wrong? After all, what did I come here to do? What was my soul’s agreement before I was born? Am I fulfilling my mission here on Earth?’


She was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, into a spiritualist and anthroposophic family. Since childhood, she has been influenced by her grandmother (who was a spiritual mother), her mother (Waldorf and Anthroposophic), and her father (fearless and hardworking).


At the age of 8, her parents moved from the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro to Salvador, Bahia, in search of a better quality of life for their two children. With no family there, making the move in the middle of the school year, they had a resilient start to begin anew.


There were 6 special years during which, despite the distance from family, Rayani was influenced by a lifestyle more focused on the Present Moment than the rush of Rio de Janeiro. She experienced true Quality of Life, the integration of work with rest, and learned from the Bahians to enjoy everything Nature offers us as a gift. During this time, Rayani played soccer and basketball at the schools she attended, and it was in sports that she remembered discipline, respect for hierarchies, and teamwork for individual and collective results.


Back in Rio de Janeiro, at age 15, Rayani began studying theater at school and quickly found herself working for two children’s theater companies that toured the state of Rio de Janeiro. There, her mother’s artistic influence (a graduate of Fine Arts and an English and Arts teacher) began to pulse.


The curious thing is that influences always align with our soul’s baggage, so the artistic career emerged easily since Rayani had past lives as a Painter, Conductor, and Artist.


When it was time for college and to choose her profession, Rayani wanted to find a way to combine her two passions: English and Art. That’s when she enrolled at PUC-Rio with a 100% scholarship to study for a Bachelor’s degree in English > Portuguese Translation to translate movies and series.


During the Dubbing Translation course, Rayani discovered she could be both a dubbing translator and a voice actress since she was already an actress specializing in dubbing translation. She was already interning at Globosat as a Dubbing and Subtitling Quality Control Producer and decided to be a Voice Actress and Translator.


It seemed like she had already sorted out her life at 23, living off Dubbing and Translation. But once again, her soul’s baggage spoke louder. With a great history of past lives as a Businessman and Entrepreneur, Rayani saw the problems that newcomers faced in Brazil’s Dubbing Market. Along with her wife, Mabel Cezar, one of Brazil’s greatest voice actresses, she founded SBD to shorten the learning curve for students and provide highly qualified talents for the rapidly expanding market.


In its first year of existence, the company earned 1 million reais through Digital Marketing. Rayani won the Hotmart Black and Fórmula de Lançamento awards for her results. The company spent 3 years in rapid expansion.


In 2018, Rayani’s soul shadow was putting her through her greatest test. Having died in her recent past life due to overwork (she was a he who died of a heart attack from working too much and always putting herself second), Rayani was experiencing burnout from overwork. Episodes of extreme exhaustion and panic attacks.


Reaching her limit, she stopped it and took a 20-day vacation to France with her wife and two friends. The plan was to spend 5 days in Paris and 15 days sightseeing in the South of France, resting and celebrating her 27th birthday.


Of course, today, we can perceive that it was a soul call. Remember the life when she was a Painter? That happened in Paris. Upon arriving there, something awakened in her soul: a desire to lead a less hectic life, be calmer and more present, and yet still have comfort, prosperity, and happiness.


She recalls that when she was in Nice, in the South of France, on a beautiful hot and sunny afternoon, she sat down with her group to have coffee at a café in the center of Nice. At that moment, her friend Alexandre asked about her plans for the future. Rayani began describing her desire to start a new business. Something that could go beyond the world of dubbing. To be a source for all human beings, showing that hard work and rush can lead to the end of the earthly experience and that, in reality, it is possible to live in Presence, in abundance, with calmness and wisdom, and greatly enjoy life.


The first step would be to open the business to a select group of distinguished people. Then, courses would be created, and afterward, the business would be taken to the United States since English is the universal language, and thus, she could fulfill her dream of living in Los Angeles. The foundation of all the work would be Self-awareness. The basis would be quantum physics. And the guidance and direction would be spirituality.


After describing all this, Alexandre asked:

“It’s amazing, but do you already have a name?”

Rayani replied:

“Yes, but I’m not sure why it came ‘out of nowhere’ in my mind, and I don’t even know how I will connect all this. I thought of Olimpo.”

Mabel, her wife, jumped from her chair and said:

“You don’t know?!? This is the perfect name! Want something stronger than Olimpo? The place that gathers all the Gods? And if you’re going to help people see the gods that they are, and we know that a piece of God dwells within each of us, that’s the name! There’s nothing else to think about!”

And thus Olimpo was born.


Rayani returned from France and created her first Mentoring group in 2018.


Already in 2019, the Mastermind emerged, bringing together distinguished people living quantum physics, spirituality, and soul missions.


In late 2021, Rayani moved to Los Angeles, where she brought her courses on Spirituality and Personal Development. From there, she developed a group that meets at her home every Thursday to study and learn from the Gospel at Home; she expanded her online courses and YouTube channel and Instagram with free content. She has also been leading in-person Immersions across California to energetic points with the aim of developing people and expanding the spirituality of the group.


This website was born in 2024 with the aim of being your Universal source of Self-awareness and Personal Development, your point of connection and evolution between spirituality and matter, with a foundation in quantum physics and the guidance of spirituality.


Axé! Welcome to Olimpo!


PS: Rayani Immediato is Rayani in this existence, but she is a Pleiadian Star Commander who came to Earth 4.5 billion years ago and began her incarnational process on this planet about 200,000 years ago. She has had 318 incarnations, with 70% of those lives in leadership roles. She is an angel of the legion of Archangel Michael with the mission of opening paths. She is protected and supported by this Mentor, who can be called the Godfather of all this work.

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