Who is Hélio Couto?

Hélio Couto is a Brazilian teacher, researcher, and speaker renowned for Quantum physics. His works have been published in books, DVDs, audio, and courses. His content on Quantum Physics, Marketing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Self-Help, Western Philosophy, Eastern Philosophy, Motology, and Spirituality has impacted the lives of thousands of people.

The most well-known method of Professor Hélio Couto is Harmonic Resonance®, a deep, extensive, and comprehensive program based on Quantum Physics aimed at clearing beliefs, blocks, and obstacles and reprogramming neuro-linguistics with scientifically proven cases.

Since childhood, Hélio has been interested in researching various subjects. He researched and read about psychoanalysis, mythology, the human mind, psychology, sociology, and philosophy.

After graduating in Systems Analysis at the age of 32, he experienced a period that psychiatrist Stanislav Grof called a “spiritual emergence.” Hélio entered a period that lasted 12 years, during which he delved mainly into Quantum Mechanics research, where he developed several theories that he later began to use in his work as a therapist and consultant.

Today, Professor Hélio Couto’s social media channels have over 1 million subscribers, and over 300,000 students have used his Harmonic Resonance® method.

What is Harmonic Resonance?

Based on the Double Slit experiment where it was discovered that electrons behave as both particles and waves depending on whether there is an observer and on the law of attraction, which Hélio Couto also embraces.

According to Hélio Couto, assuming that everything is made of atoms and atoms of electrons, all information is an electromagnetic wave decoded and stored in the brain.

Therefore, any information, from a simple skill, sports abilities, a language, or any human knowledge, can be electromagnetically transferred to any individual, provided that individual is on the same frequency as the knowledge.

According to Professor Hélio Couto’s website:

“Harmonic Resonance® is not:

– medical act;

– psychotherapy;

– psychoanalysis;

– positive thinking;

– witchcraft or magic.

Harmonic Resonance® is a process that uses waves of information to gradually clear limiting beliefs and insert new information into the individual, enabling growth in all areas. It is a tool that serves conscious/spiritual evolutionary purposes.

Harmonic Resonance®, among other things, allows your body to return to its ideal state of balance, to its healthy natural vibration. However, we recommend that you consult a doctor for all health-related issues.

We advise against users of Harmonic Resonance® partially or interrupting any medical or psychological treatments they are undergoing. Your doctors and healthcare providers should continue to monitor your health and recommend any modifications to your treatment. Never delay seeking medical attention based solely on your interpretation of the content of the official HR material provided on the website. Nothing explained in the books, audio, articles, and lectures is intended to replace the services of your healthcare professional. In this work, we make no promises and provide no guarantee regarding any issues, including those related to users’ health. You are solely responsible for your healthcare; any contrary act is entirely your responsibility.”

See all details here: https://www.heliocouto.com/ressonanciaharmonic.


One of the foundations of Hélio Couto’s methodology is Plato’s thought on the world of ideas. Based on this and the technique of neuro-linguistic programming modeling, Hélio Couto created his theory, which states that archetypes are primordial energies. As they are also information, they could be decoded by any individual, provided they are on the same frequency as the chosen archetype, which would merge with the individual’s personality and create unique information.

This is a fusion of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection for Survival and Reproduction, and the Taoist concept of Wu Wei.

Hélio Couto formulated his theory of the six steps of the pyramid of human needs, which, according to him, is already employed unconsciously or consciously within advertising.

The Six Steps

According to Hélio Couto, the six steps are:

First Step – Personal survival, such as food, clothing, shelter, health, and minimum financial resources to ensure a dignified life.

Second Step – Species survival, represented by relationships, specifically sexuality.

Third Step – Need for power.

Fourth Step – Human need for self-knowledge.

Fifth Step – Human need for reconnection with the spirit; the search for a greater meaning in life through religiosity or spirituality.

Sixth Step – Transcendence, experiencing unity with the Whole, not acting on one’s own will, but only doing the will of the Whole.

Movies Recommended by Professor Hélio Couto

On his website, Hélio Couto recommends movies for study. Here is the list available on his site:


What the Bleep Do We Know!?


The Thirteenth Floor

Field of Dreams

The Skin I Live In


Cloud Atlas


Madame Curie

The Killing Fields

Whatever Works

Gran Torino


The Lord of the Rings trilogy

X2: X-Men United


Source Code


Driving Miss Daisy

My Lives in France

The Rosa Parks Story


Déjà Vu

The Name of the Rose

The Devil’s Advocate

The Constant Gardener

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil


Thirteen Days



Books Recommended by Professor Hélio Couto

The Self-Aware Universe by Amit Goswami

The Field by Lynne McTaggart

Science and the Akashic Field by Ervin Laszlo

Entangled Minds by Dean Radin

The Anthropic Cosmological Principle by John D. Barrow

Turning Points in Health by Wallace Liimaa

The Constants of Nature by John D. Barrow

The Book of Nothing by John D. Barrow

The Artful Universe by John D. Barrow

The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav

Quantum Reality by Nick Herbert

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra

Quantum by Manjit Kumar

The Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner

Elegant Universe by Brian Greene

Understanding Quantum Theory by J.P. McEvoy and Oscar Zarate

The Atom by Jean-Paul Auffray

The End of Materialism by Charles T. Tart

Why We Love by Helen Fisher

To learn more and follow the work of Professor Hélio Couto, we recommend his website, YouTube channel, and Instagram, all below:

Website: https://www.heliocouto.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/helio.couto/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HelioCoutoOficial

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