The Ashtar Command is a powerful positive group operating within the solar system and beyond, acting as guardians of Order and Discipline. Currently, they are responsible for driving away the dark forces from Earth, capturing negative entities, and taking them to treatment zones aboard large ships. This can be likened to a type of galactic policing.
The Ashtar Command is a massive Starfleet under the loving command of the one known as Ashtar Sheran (Osiris), who is also an expression or galactic form of Archangel Michael. The Ashtar Command ensures that planetary transitions occur as peacefully and harmoniously as possible. It operates as a kind of stellar policing, overseeing the entire system while upholding the Galactic Codex. (See more about the Galactic Codex here: Galactic Codex). This group is part of the Galactic Federation. One of their missions is to liberate planet Earth. They have gathered in many ships around Earth’s orbit—literally millions of them. Their ships range from 1.5 to 30 meters in size, with some spanning kilometers in diameter. The fleet’s squadrons position themselves strategically and are ready to act when the right moment comes.
The dark forces organized a strong negative campaign against the Ashtar Command in the 1990s, doing their utmost to instill fear in anyone who heard the name. Learn more about this campaign here: Watch the video.
Positioning of the Star Fleets around Earth at the center. We are more protected than we may imagine.
This link offers an excellent explanation by the channeler Sheldan Nidle about the positioning of the fleets. Highly recommended reading: Sheldan Nidle – Galactic Federation of Light.
Ashtar’s last incarnation occurred 25,000 years ago, before Earth’s quarantine began. His main intention is humanity’s Ascension. Another of his projects is the “First Contact,” while a third involves telepathic communication training through the upgrading of the planetary grid, making it more crystalline to facilitate positive and direct communication. Ashtar will take over media, satellites, and TV channels to broadcast his message. He also inspired the development of the PC and the internet. His work includes stabilizing Earth’s grid, preventing 90 to 95% of drastic changes on the planet (e.g., severe tectonic movements that could harm life as a whole). The Ashtar Command’s rescue teams intervene in disasters (e.g., earthquakes) to prevent total catastrophe.
Preventing or neutralizing nuclear warfare is also within their scope: most nuclear weapons have been blocked by the Light. The Ashtar Command has engaged with military forces worldwide about nuclear warheads, ensuring a nuclear war on Earth will not happen under any circumstances—this is 100% certain.
The Ashtar Command is an immense command of Light, with various departments actively supporting humanity’s Ascension. Members of the Ashtar Command possess intense Light Force and are deeply committed to upholding divine justice and order. Many members of the Ashtar Command are currently incarnated on Earth, preparing humanity for First Contact. Even if such a member is not fully awakened, their higher self remains fully aware of the need to prepare humanity for extraterrestrial life’s full disclosure.
Read more about the Ashtar Command’s battles and their significant victories here: Galactic Confederation Facing the Dark Forces.
Ashtar once delivered a message with three key points of his mission:
- Authority and Free Will: Acting only within permissible limits, respecting the free will of all beings.
- Earth’s Ascension: Assisting Earth (Shan) and its inhabitants through planetary ascension and physical changes while minimizing harm.
- Guarding Transitions: Preventing interference from external entities that might hinder Earth’s evolution.
Full details of this message: Who is Ashtar? Mission and Purpose.
Members of the Ashtar Command come from various civilizations, including Pleiadians, Sirians, Alpha Centaurians (Ashtar himself is from Alpha Centauri), Arcturians, and Andromedans. Their ships have distinctive designs, such as silver discs, drop shapes, cylindrical, spherical, triangular, or massive mother ships, often emitting an intense silver glow.
The Ashtar Command is essentially a department of the Galactic Federation. Learn more about the Galactic Federation here: What is the Galactic Federation?.
Primary Source: Sementes das Estrelas – Ashtar Command
Instagram: Sementes das Estrelas
YouTube: Sementes das Estrelas Channel
More Ashtar Command texts: O Olimpo – Channelled Messages