What are Crop Circles? Mysteries and Theories

Crop Circle


What are Crop Circles and how they are done?

Crop circles are mysterious geometric patterns that appear in crop fields, usually at night. These complex and impressive formations have intrigued scientists, paranormal enthusiasts, and the general public for decades. But what really are crop circles? Are they human creations, natural phenomena or signs of extraterrestrial civilizations?

These circles fascinate for their precision and beauty, and for the mystery that surrounds them. The curiosity surrounding crop circles is fueled by the diversity of explanations and theories about their origin. With stories ranging from elaborate hoaxes to natural phenomena and alien visitations, the theme continues to capture the imagination of people around the world. The search for answers makes crop circles one of the most intriguing mysteries today, sparking debates and research in various areas of knowledge.

And it is only in recent decades that information has been disseminated that the geometric symbols created in Crop Circles are signs and messages from other galactic civilizations to the people of humanity. Some scholars even manage to decode messages through spiritual channels from beings from other civilizations.

Apparently, one of the races highly involved in the creation and manifestation of Crop Circles is the Acturians. Race that has long monitored and accompanied planet Earth, helping in our evolution.

Let’s explore further how this all works in this article.

The Crop Circle Phenomenon

Crop circles are geometric patterns that appear in crop fields, such as wheat, barley and corn. These formations range from simple circles to complex designs, with geometric figures and intricate symbolism. The precision and symmetry of the shapes intrigue observers and researchers, generating debates about their origin.

Where and When They Arose

The first reports of phenomena similar to crop circles date back to the end of the 17th century, but it was from the 1970s onwards that they gained worldwide prominence, especially in England. Since then, these mysterious formations have appeared in different parts of the world, such as the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan and other countries, each place bringing their own interpretations and theories about the phenomenon.

Notable Examples Around the World

  1. Wiltshire, England : Known as the capital of crop circles, the Wiltshire region is home to some of the most elaborate and impressive formations. The proximity to historic sites such as Stonehenge adds to the mystery and attraction of these formations.
  2. Stonehenge, England (1996) : One of the most famous formations appeared near the iconic monument, sparking debate about a possible connection to supernatural or alien phenomena. The strategic location and intricate design have contributed to its notoriety.
  3. Chilbolton, England (2001) : This crop circle, which appeared near a radio telescope, appeared to be a response to a message sent into space in 1974. The complexity of the formation and the supposed alien connection generated great interest and speculation.
  4. Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2011) : A crop circle has emerged in a rice field, featuring complex geometric patterns. The discovery generated great local curiosity and was widely covered in the media, reigniting the debate about its origins.
  5. Bavaria, Germany (2014) : An impressive formation appeared in a corn field, attracting thousands of visitors. The intricate design and its location in a tourist area sparked interest from enthusiasts and skeptics alike.
  6. Wiltshire, England (2020) : One of the most recent examples, a complex formation appeared in July, standing out for its symmetry and details. This formation continued the region’s tradition of being a focal point for the phenomenon.

Recent and Impactful

In recent years, the popularity of crop circles has increased, with new formations appearing regularly during the summer months. The presence of social media has allowed images to circulate quickly, keeping public interest high.

Crop circles continue to be a fascinating phenomenon, mixing art, mystery and, possibly, science, keeping discussions alive about their true origins and meanings. The search for answers persists, fueling the curiosity and imagination of people around the world.

Crop Circle Creation Methods

The methods for creating crop circles are the subject of many theories and debates. Explanations vary between natural phenomena, human actions and even supernatural interventions.

Theories about How Crop Cricles Are Made

  1. Scientific Explanation
    • Human Actions : Many crop circles are attributed to artists and enthusiasts who create them as an art form. Using simple tools, they can produce complex geometric patterns.
    • Geometric Patterns : The precision of the designs can be explained by the use of mathematical and geometric principles, allowing the shapes to be symmetrical and harmonious.
  2. Natural Phenomena
    • Some theories suggest that certain crop circles may be the result of natural phenomena, such as strong winds, whirlpools or even electromagnetic activity. However, these explanations are less accepted due to the complexity of the patterns.

Techniques Used by Humans

The explanation of creation by humans is reported below. If we were able to prove that humans create crop circles, their creation would take place as follows:

  • Planning : Crop circle creators usually start with a drawing or diagram on paper, mapping out the formation in detail. Measuring tools and strings are used to ensure accurate proportions.
  • Tools : Basic tools include wooden planks (for bending plans), ropes (for marking circles), and stakes (for reference points). These simple items allow you to create intricate designs overnight.
  • Execution : Creation usually takes place at night to maintain mystery and avoid detection. Coordinated teams work quickly to complete the patterns before dawn.

Now, although many Crop Circles may be human work, the precision and beauty of some continue to fascinate and provoke speculation about possible unconventional origins. The mix of art, mathematics and mystery makes these circles an intriguing part of contemporary culture.

The fact is that when we approach a Crop Circle we can see that the vegetation is perfectly folded to form the symbol design. It’s all very symmetrical and created very quickly, so it’s very doubtful that human labor is the technology behind the creation of these signals.

Theories and Explanations about Crop Circles

Crop circles have generated a series of theories and explanations about their origins. They are divided mainly between natural explanations and supernatural theories.

Natural Explanations

  1. Meteorological Phenomena
    • Some hypotheses suggest that whirlwinds or strong winds can create circular patterns in crops. However, this theory faces challenges, as many crop circles present complexity and symmetry that are difficult to attribute to climate alone.
  2. Fungi and Other Biological Agents
    • Some researchers consider that fungi or other soil conditions may cause circular patterns. However, these phenomena generally result in much less defined patterns and do not explain the complex formations observed.

Supernatural Theories

  1. UFOs and Aliens
    • One of the most popular theories is that crop circles are created by extraterrestrial spacecraft. The precision and intricate design of many patterns fuels the belief that they are messages from other civilizations. The idea of communicating with beings from other planets continues to fascinate many enthusiasts.
  2. Connections with the Paranormal
    • Some believe that crop circles may have a connection to paranormal phenomena, such as unknown energies or portals to other dimensions. This perspective sees circles as manifestations of forces beyond current human understanding.
    • Others suggest that spirits or supernatural forces are responsible for creating these formations. These theories often include reports of sightings of strange lights or unexplained phenomena in the vicinity of crop circles.
  3. Earth Energy
    • Another supernatural theory involves the idea that crop circles are manifestations of Earth energy. According to this perspective, certain places on Earth have special energies that, under certain conditions, create patterns in crops. These locations are often associated with ancient legends and myths about ley lines and points of power.

Theories about the origin of crop circles vary widely, reflecting the complexity and mystery surrounding these formations.

Footage Captures the creation of a Crop Circle

In 1996, when we didn’t yet have enough technology to create or tamper with videos quickly and cheaply, a cameraman captured the creation of a crop circle in real time.

The only known “real” footage/video recording of crop circle formation, including visible UFOs from 1996, filmed by John Wheyleigh.

The recording was made near the ancient hill fort of Oliver Castle, near Devizes, Wiltshire.

His video was filmed in 1996. The cameraman showed it to pub patrons just hours after it was filmed. The circle hadn’t existed the day before, but the morning after the cameraman revealed the video, the pub’s patrons went to the field and there it was. We did NOT have the technology to create a video like this overnight in 1996 (2 weeks minimum). Especially with the tremor from being held in the hand. Therefore, this is considered authentic proof.

Check out the video below:

Impressive, isn’t it?

In the following footage we can see what a crop circle looks like up close. The perfection of the designs and the folding of the local vegetation. Furthermore, many who have been to these places in person report that the energy inside a Crop Circle is impressive. Something indescribable.

See next:

Evidence and Investigations of Crop Circles

Crop circles have been the target of several researches and investigations, seeking to uncover their origin and nature. Scientists and enthusiasts explore evidence to better understand this intriguing phenomenon.

Scientific research

Several institutions and independent researchers have dedicated time to studying crop circles. Studies focus on the analysis of soil, plants and geometric patterns, seeking to identify characteristics that may point to natural or artificial causes.

Soil and Plant Analysis

  1. Soil Changes : Soil analyzes around crop circles reveal, in some cases, electromagnetic anomalies. These changes include changes in soil composition and radiation levels, suggesting an unusual energy source.
  2. Plant Examinations : Plants within crop circles often present bends and breaks in their stems that cannot be explained solely by physical force. Studies show that internal heating, possibly caused by microwaves, can explain this damage, giving credence to theories about electromagnetic anomalies.

Famous Cases Investigated

  1. Stonehenge, England (1996) : One of the most investigated cases, where analyzes pointed to changes in the soil and plant growth, leading many to consider a non-human origin.
  2. Chilbolton, England (2001) : This crop circle, which looked like a binary message, was the subject of intense investigation. Scientists and enthusiasts have studied its characteristics, trying to interpret the possible message and understand its origin.
  3. Bavaria, Germany (2014) : This formation attracted thousands of visitors and researchers, who analyzed the patterns and possible techniques used in its creation, highlighting the precision and complexity of the design.


Research into crop circles continues to challenge scientific understanding and stimulate varied theories. Although many circles can be explained as human creations, some formations remain shrouded in mystery, leaving the door open for new discoveries and debates about their true nature.

Cultural Impact

Crop circles have left a significant mark on popular culture, inspiring representations in various forms of media and influencing tourism in several regions.

Representations in the Media

Crop circles frequently appear in films, books and TV series, generally associated with mysteries and supernatural phenomena. Films like “Signs” (2002), by M. Night Shyamalan, explore the theme of circles as messages from extraterrestrials, while series like “The X-Files” address the phenomenon in intriguing episodes. Books and documentaries also investigate theories and mysteries, bringing different perspectives on their origins.

Influence on Popular Culture

In addition to representations in the media, crop circles have become icons of popular culture, symbolizing the unknown and the mysterious. They inspire art, music and even fashion, with patterns based on famous formations. The fascination with this phenomenon reflects human curiosity for the unexplainable and the desire to explore the unknown.

Tourism and Economic Impact

Regions such as Wiltshire, England, where many crop circles appear, have become popular tourist destinations. Tourists and paranormal enthusiasts visit these areas to see the formations up close, participating in tours and related events. This interest generates a positive economic impact, contributing to local commerce and promoting rural tourism. Cafes, souvenir shops and tour operators benefit from the curiosity surrounding crop circles, turning the mystery into a source of income.


The cultural impact of crop circles goes beyond the mystery of their origin. They continue to inspire the imagination of people around the world, influencing popular culture and contributing to the economies of local communities, reaffirming their place as one of the most intriguing phenomena of our time.

Mediums Channel Messages about Crop Circles

In the past, it was more difficult to talk about something “supernatural” openly. The consciousness of humanity was different and still very much reflected the persecution we suffered during the inquisitions when we read a different book, performed cures with herbs or perhaps openly declared communication with the spiritual planes.

Today, after the turn of 2012, the situation has improved and we can see not only many mediums being channels for beings of light on the other side, but also being a transmission vehicle for other galactic races that are close to Earth.

Many of these races even help the planet in the planetary transition. They are often in the 5th Dimension and are therefore “invisible” to our 3rd dimensional eyes.

Because of this, these beings, such as Pleiadians, Articurians, Sirians, among others, approach people who have the most open channel (mediums) to send messages that can be transmitted to the population.

Until then, Crop Circles were one of these communication tools. The symbols have messages and also energetic codes to help the planet.

A Medium who does galactic transmission and has a serious, committed work of more than 12 years in Brazil is Neva from Semente das Estrelas. She is one of the transmitters of Commander Ashtar Sheran and Salusa of Sirius. Your broadcasts are usually published on the website which is in Portuguese.

So that more people can have access to the galactic explanation of Crop Circles and participate in a live broadcast by Commander Ashtar Sheran, we created an event in partnership with Neva called Galactic Awakening USA The Crop Circle Signs with a live broadcast by Commander Ashtar Sheran.

We will soon publish information about this event here on the website. Keep an eye on our publications.

And you, dear reader, did you already know this information about Crop Circles? Have you witnessed any? Did you enjoy exploring the mystery of crop circles? We want to know your opinion! Leave a comment below and share your theories and experiences with this fascinating phenomenon.

See more: https://oolimpo.com/
More Crop Circles in England: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-66245271

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