Saint Francis of Assisi: Lessons in Humility and Love for Nature as Spiritual Mentoring

Saint Francis


Saint Francis of Assisi, born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone in 1181 or 1182, is one of the most revered figures in the history of spirituality. Founder of the Order of Franciscans, he is widely recognized for his profound humility, his unconditional love for nature and his commitment to simplicity and poverty. Saint Francis renounced a life of wealth and comfort to follow a path of faith, dedicating himself to serving the poor and marginalized, as well as demonstrating a deep respect for all living creatures.

The importance of Saint Francis of Assisi as a spiritual figure transcends religious barriers, inspiring people of different faiths around the world. His vision of a world where humility and love for nature are central resonates strongly in times of environmental crisis and the search for a more meaningful and authentic life.

In this article, we will explore how the lessons of humility and love of nature taught by Saint Francis of Assisi can serve as valuable spiritual mentorship today. St. Francis’ teachings offer a refreshing and necessary perspective in a world that often values materialism and superficiality. We will see how these principles can be applied to modern life, helping us cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves, others and the environment. Through his examples and words, Saint Francis continues to guide us toward a more balanced, compassionate, and spiritually rich life.

1. Who was Saint Francis of Assisi?

Saint Francis of Assisi, whose birth name was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, was born in Assisi, Italy, in 1181 or 1182. The son of a prosperous cloth merchant, Francis enjoyed a wealthy youth full of privileges. However, the life of parties and luxuries did not satisfy him for long. After a series of transformative experiences, including a period of imprisonment during a local war and a serious illness, Francisco began to question the purpose of his life.

The great turning point occurred when, at the age of 25, Francisco had a vision while praying in the church of São Damião. Christ on the cross in this vision asked him to “rebuild my church.” Initially, Francis took this message literally, beginning to physically restore the small church of San Damiano with his own hands. However, he soon realized that his calling was deeper: to rebuild the church through spiritual renewal.

Renouncing his wealth and status, Francis adopted a life of radical poverty. He dressed in simple clothes, often patched, and went barefoot. In 1209, he founded the Order of Friars Minor, or Franciscans, quickly attracting followers. The Franciscans were dedicated to preaching the Gospel, caring for the poor and living in harmony with nature.

Saint Francis’ main spiritual teachings revolve around three pillars: humility, love for nature and universal brotherhood. He preached that all beings, human and non-human, are brothers and sisters, part of divine creation and worthy of respect and care. This love of nature is perhaps the most famous of his teachings, exemplified by his Song of the Creatures, a hymn of praise to creation that celebrates the sun, moon, stars, water, fire, and earth as members of the great divine family.

Francis is also known for his profound humility. He believed that true spiritual greatness lies in simplicity and service to others. His life was marked by acts of charity and a deep desire to live like Christ, stripping himself of all forms of vanity and pride.

Saint Francis died in 1226, but his spiritual legacy lives on. He was canonized just two years after his death and is venerated as the patron saint of animals and the environment. His life and teachings continue to inspire millions of people around the world, offering a path of compassion, simplicity, and reverence for life in all its forms.

2. Humility as a Spiritual Foundation

For Saint Francis of Assisi, humility was not just a virtue, but the foundation of an authentic spiritual life. Humility, according to Francisco, is the sincere recognition of our smallness before God and creation, and the acceptance of our dependence on a greater power. This concept manifests itself not only in thoughts, but in daily actions and attitudes towards life.

Francisco lived humility in a radical way, starting with the total renunciation of the riches and privileges of his youth. When he decided to follow his spiritual calling, he returned his money and clothes to his father, symbolizing his break with material values and his total surrender to God. He chose to live among the poor and marginalized, sharing their difficulties and demonstrating, by example, the importance of serving others with simplicity and love.

One of the most notable examples of Saint Francis’ humility is the episode with the leper. At a time when leprosy was feared and lepers were shunned and marginalized, Francis, initially repulsed, felt a calling to overcome his disgust and embrace a leper. This act symbolized the overcoming of ego and prejudices, and the understanding that everyone is worthy of love and compassion. In caring for lepers, Francis not only showed humility, but also deep empathy and mercy.

Francis also preached to his followers the importance of being “minor” or “small”, as opposed to seeking power or status. The Order of Friars Minor was named to emphasize this humility. The friars were not to aspire to high office or positions of influence, but to serve humbly, following the example of Christ. Francis believed that true spiritual greatness lay in the ability to serve and see the divinity in all beings.

Furthermore, Francis’ humility was reflected in his deep reverence for creation. He did not see himself as superior to nature, but as part of it, living in harmony with all living beings. His famous “Canticle of the Creatures” is a celebration of this humility, where he calls the sun, moon, stars, water and fire brothers and sisters, recognizing the interdependence and beauty of all creation.

The humility of Saint Francis of Assisi is a powerful and timeless lesson. In a world often marked by pride, competition, and materialism, his teachings remind us of the importance of embracing simplicity, serving others, and recognizing the beauty and dignity inherent in all life. Through his life and actions, Francis shows us that true spiritual strength comes from humility and unconditional love.

3. Love for Nature: Spiritual Connection

Saint Francis of Assisi’s relationship with nature is one of the most distinctive characteristics of his spirituality. He saw the natural world not just as a creation of God, but as an extension of divinity itself, worthy of love, respect, and reverence. For Francis, nature was a reflection of God’s beauty and goodness, and his connection to it was deeply spiritual.

Francis called all natural elements “brothers” and “sisters.” In his famous “Canticle of the Creatures”, he celebrates the sun, moon, stars, wind, water, fire and earth, assigning each a sacred role in divine creation. He saw these elements not as resources to be exploited, but as companions on a spiritual journey. This song is a testament to his vision of an interconnected world, where every creature has its intrinsic value and place in the great fabric of life.

This vision of Francis was radical for his time, and continues to be relevant today. He saw nature as a mirror of God’s greatness and believed that by taking care of the environment, we were taking care of something sacred. This reverence for creation manifested itself in concrete actions: Francis was known for rescuing animals in distress, such as birds and hares, and even preached to them, recognizing them as part of the divine family.

One of the most emblematic examples of his love for nature is the story of the wolf of Gubbio. According to legend, a wolf was terrorizing the city of Gubbio, killing animals and people. Francis intervened, not with violence, but with compassion and communication. He approached the wolf, spoke to it, and negotiated a truce, asking the citizens to feed the wolf in exchange for his peace. This story illustrates not only Francisco’s courage, but his deep belief in the capacity for harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

For Saint Francis, love for nature was inseparable from love for God. He believed that each element of creation was a reflection of the Creator and therefore worthy of care and respect. His ecological spirituality teaches us to see the Earth not as a possession, but as a home shared with all forms of life. This holistically spiritual vision is especially relevant in the current context of environmental crises, where the need for a more harmonious relationship with nature is crucial.

Francisco’s spiritual connection with nature offers us a transformative perspective. In a world where the rampant exploitation of natural resources has led to serious environmental consequences, his teachings are a call to rediscover reverence for the Earth. They invite us to adopt a stance of humility and gratitude, recognizing that our existence is interconnected with that of all other creatures.

In short, St. Francis’s love of nature offers us a model of spirituality that is deeply relevant today. He teaches us to see the natural world as a sacred community, where every being has value and purpose. Through their examples and words, we are called to cultivate a deeper and more respectful connection with creation, living in harmony with the world around us.

4. Practical Lessons for Modern Life

Saint Francis of Assisi left us valuable teachings that can be applied in modern life, even in a world that often seems to be disconnected from its spiritual and natural roots. Its principles of humility and love for nature offer a guide to living in a more conscious and balanced way. Here are some practical ways to integrate these teachings into our daily lives.

How to Apply the Principles of Humility in Everyday Life

1. Practice Simplicity: Humility begins with simplicity. Reduce excess in your life, whether in terms of material possessions, social commitments or media consumption. Adopt a minimalist approach, focusing on what really matters and brings you genuine joy.

2. Serving Others: Saint Francis dedicated his life to serving those most in need. Find ways to help your community, whether through volunteering, donating or simply offering support and listening to those in need. The act of serving not only benefits others, but also nourishes our soul.

3. Cultivate Gratitude: Humility also manifests itself in gratitude. Daily, make a conscious effort to recognize and be grateful for the small and large blessings in your life. Keep a gratitude journal or set aside a moment in your day to reflect on what you appreciate.

4. Practice Active Listening: Humility involves listening more than talking. When you’re talking to someone, really pay attention to what they’re saying without thinking about your response. This practice not only strengthens relationships, but also teaches us to value the perspectives of others.

5. Accept Limitations: Recognize your own limitations and don’t be afraid to ask for help when necessary. Admitting that we don’t know everything and that we need others is an act of humility that strengthens our human connections.

Strategies for Developing a Spiritual Connection with Nature in Urban Life

1. Create Personal Green Spaces: Even in urban environments, it is possible to create small oases of nature. Grow plants in your house or apartment, create a balcony garden or join a community garden. These spaces not only improve the environment, but also provide moments of peace and reconnection with the earth.

2. Practice Nature Observation: Set aside time regularly to be outdoors, whether in a local park, square or any available green space. Practice paying close attention to the nature around you – the movement of the leaves, the birdsong, the texture of the trees. This mindfulness practice helps restore a sense of being connected to the natural world.

3. Incorporate Natural Rhythms: Adjust your life rhythm to align more with natural cycles, such as waking up with the sunrise and slowing down at dusk. Recognizing and honoring the rhythms of nature can bring a sense of harmony and balance to our daily routine.

4. Adopt Sustainable Practices: Incorporate ecological practices into your life, such as recycling, reducing the use of plastic, saving water and energy, and choosing sustainable products. These actions not only benefit the environment, but also reinforce our connection and responsibility with nature.

5. Participate in Green Communities: Engage with groups and organizations that promote sustainability and environmental conservation. Participating in events, workshops and community activities aimed at protecting the environment can expand your knowledge and circle of support.

By adopting these practices, we can incorporate St. Francis of Assisi’s principles of humility and love of nature into our modern lives. These steps help us live in a more conscious, connected and spiritual way, aligning us with the timeless wisdom that Saint Francis left us.

5. Impact of Saint Francis of Assisi Today

The legacy of Saint Francis of Assisi continues to resonate powerfully in current times, inspiring a wide range of individuals and movements that seek to promote humility, peace, and harmony with nature. His life and teachings offer a vision of spirituality that transcends religious and cultural barriers, becoming a beacon for those seeking a more compassionate and sustainable world.

The Legacy of Saint Francis and Its Relevance in Current Times

Saint Francis is remembered as the patron saint of animals and the environment, and his love of nature makes him a central figure in the contemporary ecological movement. In an era marked by environmental crises, his ideas about the interconnectedness of all creatures and the need to care for the planet are more relevant than ever. His example of living in simplicity and harmony with nature offers a viable alternative to rampant consumerism and environmental exploitation.

Furthermore, Francis’s message of humility and service to others is a powerful response to the individualism and social inequality that characterize many aspects of modern society. His call for universal brotherhood – where all beings are seen as brothers and sisters – invites us to build communities based on compassion, justice and solidarity.

Contemporary Examples of People and Movements Inspired by His Ideas

1. Pope Francis: The current Pope, who chose his name in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, is a prominent example of how Francis’s teachings continue to influence global leaders. In his encyclical “Laudato Si'”, Pope Francis addresses environmental and social issues, echoing St. Francis’s vision of caring for creation and the need for ecological conversion.

2. Ecological and Sustainability Movements: Several ecological organizations and movements find inspiration in San Francisco. The Laudato Si’ Movement, for example, works to implement the ideas of the papal encyclical in communities around the world, promoting sustainable practices and greater environmental awareness.

3. Religious and Spiritual Communities: Many religious orders, such as the Franciscans, continue to live and propagate the teachings of Saint Francis. These communities not only keep their principles of poverty, humility and love for nature alive, but also engage in social and environmental work in different parts of the world.

4. Activists and Environmentalists: People like Jane Goodall, famous primatologist and conservationist, often cite the spirituality of Saint Francis as an inspiration for their work protecting animals and the environment. She, along with many others, promotes the vision of a world where humanity lives in harmony with nature.

5. Sustainable Agriculture Projects: Organic agriculture and permaculture initiatives, such as Gubbio Farm in the United States, are examples of how San Francisco principles are being applied to promote a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the land. These projects focus on producing food in a way that respects and protects the environment.

Saint Francis of Assisi left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and guide those who seek to create a more just, compassionate and sustainable world. His teachings on humility, service and love of nature are more than spiritual lessons; These are principles that can transform lives and communities. By following their example, we can work to build a society that honors the dignity of all creatures and protects the planet we share.


Saint Francis of Assisi left us an invaluable legacy of humility and love for nature, values that are deeply needed in our contemporary world. His life and teachings offer a model of spirituality that is both simple and transformative, inviting us to reconsider our priorities and the way we relate to the world around us.

Recap of Lessons in Humility and Love for Nature

Humility, for Saint Francis, was the basis of an authentic spiritual life. He taught us that true greatness comes from simplicity, service to others, and acceptance of our own limitations. Francis demonstrated that living humbly does not mean giving up everything, but rather adopting an attitude of gratitude, recognition and service that connects us more deeply with others and with God.

Love for nature, another central pillar of his spirituality, reflects a holistic view of creation. Francisco saw nature not as a resource to be exploited, but as a sacred community of which we are a part. His example of respect and care for all creatures calls us to cultivate a more harmonious and sustainable relationship with the environment, recognizing the beauty and intrinsic value of each living being.

Integrating the Teachings into Our Personal Spiritual Journey

Integrating the teachings of St. Francis into our everyday lives may seem challenging amid the demands and pressures of the modern world, but it is deeply rewarding. Here are some practical ways to do this:

1. Practice Simplicity: Start by eliminating excess in your life and focusing on what really matters. Adopt conscious consumption habits, valuing experiences and relationships above material goods.

2. Serve Others: Find ways to help your community. Whether it’s volunteering, supporting social causes, or simply showing compassion and empathy in your daily interactions. Service to others not only benefits those we help, it also enriches us spiritually.

3. Cultivate Gratitude: Develop a daily gratitude practice. Recognizing and being grateful for the small and large blessings in our lives helps us maintain a humble perspective and more deeply appreciate what we have.

4. Connect with Nature: Take time to be outdoors and appreciate the natural beauty around you. Whether through hiking, gardening, or simply spending a quiet moment in a park, these experiences can reconnect us with the Earth and remind us of the interdependence of all life.

5. Adopt Sustainable Practices: Incorporate sustainable actions into your routine. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Make choices that minimize your environmental impact and promote the health of the planet.

Saint Francis of Assisi shows us that it is possible to live fully and spiritually by embracing humility and love for nature. By applying his teachings to our lives, we can not only find greater peace and purpose, but also contribute to a more just and sustainable world. His life inspires us to pursue a spirituality that is both deeply personal and universally relevant, offering a path to a richer, more meaningful existence.

Now that we have explored the lessons of humility and love of nature taught by Saint Francis of Assisi, we invite you to reflect on how these principles can be integrated into your own life. The spiritual journey is deeply personal, but drawing inspiration from the examples of St. Francis can help light our path.

Reflection and Action:

1. Practice Simplicity: Take a moment to evaluate the aspects of your life where excess can be reduced. What simple changes can you make to live more consciously and meaningfully?

2. Serve Others: Think of ways to get more actively involved in your community. How can you use your time and talents to help those around you?

3. Cultivate Gratitude: Start a gratitude journal. Write down three things you are grateful for every day. How does this practice change your daily perspective and attitudes?

4. Reconnect with Nature: Find time to be outdoors, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day. Notice the beauty around you and feel the connection to the Earth. What changes can you make to protect and value nature more in your daily life?

5. Adopt Sustainable Practices: Reflect on your consumption choices and look for ways to reduce your environmental impact. What small changes can you make today that will have a positive effect on the planet?

Share your experiences and inspirations with friends and family. Transformation starts with small individual actions, which can spread and create a larger impact. By following in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi, we can work together to build a world that is more humble, compassionate and in harmony with nature.

Let’s start this journey of change and inspiration today. How can you apply these lessons to your life? Share your ideas in the comments below and inspire others to do the same. Together we can make the difference.

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