Portal 09/09 of 2024: A Moment of Cosmic Alignment and Transformation

Portal 0909

Today, 09/09, the Portal 09/09 is Open. We experience the opening of an energetic vortex on Earth. The 09/09 Portal is a cosmic event of great intensity that offers us a powerful opportunity for transformation and manifestation. This is a moment when the universe conspires in our favor, inviting us to release old patterns and welcome the new. Both astrology and numerology indicate that this portal helps us close cycles and begin a new phase of life. Are you ready to align with the energies of this unique day?

What is the 09/09 Portal?

The 09/09 Portal is an astrological and numerological alignment that occurs every year on September 9, but 2024’s is especially powerful. Numerology shows us that the number 9 represents the conclusion of cycles and the preparation for new beginnings. On this day, we are invited to reflect on the lessons we’ve learned so far and to release everything that prevents us from evolving. Astrologically, the Moon moves from Scorpio to Sagittarius, providing us with clarity and a renewed sense of purpose.

The Importance of the 09/09 Portal

The 09/09 Portal brings an energy of liberation and renewal, with the Moon transitioning from Scorpio to Sagittarius, offering a period of intense reflection followed by profound insights. This astrological alignment allows us to transmute emotional pain and internal obstacles. In the past few days, subconscious patterns may have surfaced under Scorpio’s influence, and now, with Sagittarius, these shadows are transformed into wisdom and new perspectives.

Benefits of the 09/09 Portal

This portal offers us a unique chance to realign with our true essence. It’s a moment of healing and liberation from limiting patterns. By connecting with the energy of the number 9, we are called to finish processes that no longer serve us and prepare for what’s to come. The transition to Sagittarius reminds us that after emotional intensity comes mental clarity and freedom of spirit. This is the ideal time to:

Manifest your greatest desires
Release old beliefs and behavior patterns
Open yourself to new opportunities and relationships

How to Prepare for the 09/09 Portal

To fully benefit from the energies of the 09/09 Portal, take time for introspection. Meditate on the cycles that need to be closed in your life and visualize the doors you wish to open. Ritualize this process through release practices, such as writing down what you wish to let go of and burning the list, symbolizing the end of old cycles. By doing this, you create space for the new.

Rituals and Activities for the 09/09 Portal

To enhance the energies of this portal, here are some simple rituals that can help you align with the cosmic vibration of this day:

Moon and Sun Meditation: Connect with the energies of the transiting celestial bodies. Meditate outdoors, if possible, and feel the energy of the Moon moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, bringing deep truths to light. You can take advantage of the sunset to communicate with the Sun, asking it to burn away everything, both conscious and unconscious, that you wish to release and be free from.

Intuitive Writing: Write on paper all the old patterns, emotions, and situations you wish to end. Take the opportunity to surrender all karmic debts and ask for divine mercy so that everything is transmuted and released. If you want, you can play a frequency of the Violet Flame in your home during your ritual. You can also connect with Goddess Isis, who was present in our work today. She is responsible for eternal life, transmutation, strength, and realization. In fact, she mentored Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her growth to prepare her for the mission ahead. Mary (who is Archangelina Sophia on the other side of the veil) spent time in Egypt being prepared by this special Goddess. Many of us have had lives in Egypt and were guided by her, so you can ask for Isis’ assistance in finalizing your karmic cycles once and for all and for Mother Mary’s divine mercy to no longer pay back in kind since we are now in the Era of Ease and Freedom.

Remember that Spiritual Guides are available to help, but they cannot interfere with free will. That’s why it’s important to ask. They help =)

After doing the ritual of releasing old energies, you can also do a writing ritual on another piece of paper about what you wish to manifest in your life from now on. Write down everything you want to manifest in the coming months and ask your Guides and the Universe to help bring these desires into your life. This exercise helps bring clarity and focus for the upcoming months.

Herb Bath: A cleansing bath with herbs such as rosemary, rue, and sage can help you release old energies and open space for the new cycle. The bath that spiritual guides recommended to me today was with Rue. This herb is known for its cleansing, resetting, and rebirthing properties.

How to Prepare the Bath:

1) Boil a pot of water and turn off the heat when it starts to bubble.

2) Turn off the heat and add some rue to the water. As you do so, send your intentions into this bath.

3) Cover the pot and let it steep for 30 minutes.

4) Take another container and pour some herbal water (you can strain it). About four fingers’ worth is fine.

5) Bring the container with the herbal water to your shower and set it aside while you take your hygiene shower.

6) Take your hygiene shower as usual, and when finished, add an equal amount of shower water to the herbal water.

7) Turn off the shower and pour the herbal water from head to toe, asking it to cleanse all your bodies and your energy field of anything that no longer serves you. Ask for protection, prosperity, health, or anything else you’d like.

8) Afterward, step out of the shower and turn it on again, just to rinse away the herbal water that removed your dense energies. Then turn the shower off.

9) Pat yourself dry without rubbing too much, letting some of the bath dry naturally on your body.

10) You’re done! Your energies have been cleansed!

Remember that plants have healing and special powers. Since ancient times, we have used plants for teas, baths, poultices, etc. Reclaim your ancestral wisdom and use the herb bath to your advantage on this powerful day!


The 09/09 Portal calls for us to harness the cosmic energies to manifest our desires and free ourselves from old patterns, definitively closing karmic cycles and starting New Moments in our lives. You can profoundly transform your life by aligning with the universe’s flow and allowing the energy of the Moon and the Sun to guide your intentions. Don’t miss this opportunity for divine connection, healing, and preparation for new beginnings. Remember: the power of the 09/09 Portal is within you.

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