Portal 08/08 – The Most Powerful Portal of 2024

Portal 08/08

The Portal 08/08 will remain active for 8 months. Read the article to understand how to harness these Prosperity energies, activate Abundance, and materialize your goals.

The Portal 08/08 is an energetic phenomenon that occurs annually, and in 2024, it promises to be three times more powerful, as even the sum of the year (2+2+4 = 8) results in the number 8, activating Material Prosperity energy threefold. This portal is known for amplifying energies, offering a unique opportunity to activate prosperity, realize your desires, and foster both spiritual and personal growth. In this article, we will explore what the Portal 08/08 is, its importance in 2024, its benefits, the rituals you can perform, and recommended activities to make the most of this energy.

What is the Portal 08/08?

The Portal 08/08, also known as the Lion’s Gate Portal, is an energetic event that occurs every August 8th. It is associated with numerology, astrology, and spirituality and symbolizes a period of intense cosmic energy.

During the Portal 08/08, cosmic energies align in a special way, allowing a stronger flow of spiritual energy to Earth. To better understand, imagine this portal as an open doorway to higher dimensions, facilitating a connection with our divine essence. This event is an excellent opportunity for meditation, introspection, and spiritual practices.

It is the most SPIRITUAL and ABUNDANT energetic portal of the year. It is the day when the “Lord of Dreams” comes down to Earth and materializes all our desires. 8 / 08 / 2024 (2+2+4 = 8) brings three times the energy of Prosperity.

The Importance of the Portal 08/08 in 2024

The year 2024 is particularly significant for Portal 08/08 due to astrological and spiritual influences aligning during this period. We are experiencing an era of global transformation in 2024, and Portal 08/08 will serve as a catalyst for these changes.

Astrologically, the positioning of planets and stars this year creates a unique configuration that amplifies the energies of the Portal 08/08. This means that, in 2024, the portal will be an even more powerful window for manifesting intentions and desires and fostering a deep connection with universal energy. Prepare to make the most of this highly charged moment, as from 08/08 until April 2025; these energies will be available and vibrating if you know how to access them.

This portal is marked by the alignment between the Earth and the brightest star visible to us, Sirius, which is 26 times larger than our Sun. Sirius is known as the spiritual Sun. As Sirius rises in the sky, Orion’s Belt aligns directly with the Pyramid of Giza. When the stars align with the great pyramids, this grand portal opens, creating a cosmic dance in the heavens.

When the energy of our Sun combines with the energy of Sirius, an intense flow of abundance is placed around the Earth, as if it were between two powerful sources of pure energy, as they are two of the most energetically powerful celestial bodies we know.

Benefits of the Portal 08/08

The benefits of the Portal 08/08 are numerous and can impact many areas of your life. Firstly, this portal offers an excellent opportunity for spiritual growth and life transformation. The intense energy helps elevate consciousness and mental clarity, facilitating self-knowledge and manifestation.

Additionally, Portal 08/08 is known for its ability to amplify intentions and desires. This is the ideal time to set clear goals and work on manifesting them. The portal’s energy can accelerate the realization of your dreams and aspirations, providing a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

8 is the number of Prosperity and Abundance, reminding us that everything is available for us to access. The energy of Leo brings Action, Leadership, Results, and sovereignty over our own emotions. It connects us to our Higher Self. Both speak to our ability to access our inner wealth and co-create everything. The phrase of the moment is: I AM ABUNDANCE.

Also, Blessed is my Desire because it is Realized.

This Portal is also one of the portals announced by spirituality for the “implementation” of the New Order, the New Economy, the New Management of the Earth, and the New Dimension.

Rituals and Activities for the Portal 08/08

To maximize the benefits of the Portal 08/08, participate in specific rituals and activities that amplify the energy. One powerful ritual is writing down your main goals on paper and placing it on your altar or meditation spot. Start by making a list of your objectives and the experiences you wish to live and manifest. Close your eyes and visualize yourself already in the accomplished situation, achieving your goal. See yourself there. How do you feel? Feel that sensation. Do this with one goal at a time, and you’ll use visualization and NLP to manifest them while taking advantage of the portal’s energy. If you wish, you can repeat this for 21 days—it will be a powerful practice.

You can also write a letter to the Universe, thanking it for realizing everything on your list. Place this letter on your altar or meditation spot. Open it in eight months.

Another important ritual is using the power of herbal baths to activate these energies within you.

You can take a bath with rosemary and bay leaves. You can use just rosemary or bay leaves. In our Portal 08/08 Workshop, we teach a bath with 3 Prosperity herbs and also show how to prepare this bath with the power of intention and a specific song that activates these energies. If you’re interested, sign up for the Workshop and gain immediate access to all the practices taught there.

Click here to learn more!

We also taught a ritual called “In God’s Hands,” where we activate divine realization of the goals we place in the ritual. This powerful and guided ritual is one that, once learned, you can practice anytime. We also had the contribution of a Guide of Light called Grandma Maria Conga from Aruanda, who asked for an “extra activation” to reprogram your abundance pattern once and for all.

All of this is already available within the Portal 08/08 Workshop. Just sign up, and you’ll receive immediate access. Sign up here!


The Portal 08/08 of 2024 is a unique spiritual and personal growth opportunity. By understanding what the Portal 08/08 is, recognizing its importance, and preparing adequately, you can make the most of this powerful event during the 8 months it remains active!

Allow the portal’s energy to transform your life profoundly and meaningfully. By opening ourselves to the cosmic energies of the Portal 08/08, we connect with the essence of the universe and our true selves. This is tuning into the flow of creation.

This is a moment of great potential and transformation. Embrace the energy, set your intentions, and let the Portal 08/08 guide you on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. May this portal be a beacon of light on your path, illuminating your deepest dreams and aspirations.

Information and Registration for the Portal 08/08 Rituals, which can be done anytime during these 8 months: https://oolimpo.com/portal0808/

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