May 13th – Pretos Velhos’ Day

Pretos-Velhos; Preto-Velho; Preta-Velha


The Pretos Velhos are Spiritual Mentors, entities of Light, active with humanity on Planet Earth. They are part of the Legion of Mother Mary and usually work with spiritual cleansing, removing demands and negative energies from people and the environments in which we work. They are also known for bringing messages of great wisdom, unconditional love, and light and guiding people who ask for help and contributions from these elevated beings.

They became known in Brazil through African-based religions such as Candomblé and Umbanda. Although the latter was born in Brazil, her influence comes from the people of Africa. Many of these souls of light are also the origin of many of these Pretos Velhos.

Today, thanks to the awakening of consciousness and the search for the spirituality of many people, the legion of Pretos Velhos has already become known beyond these two religions mentioned, having a presence in meditation groups and spiritual studies.

They usually speak through mediums, offering guidance for earthly and spiritual issues and comfort for doubts, challenges, and afflictions.

They are very important in the spiritual phalanx because their work tends to be more direct with humans and better received. Their speech of love and sweetness is usually heard with affection and respect by those who seek the guidance of these spirits of light.

Who are the Pretos Velhos?

Many of the Pretos Velhos are ancestors who lived and suffered under the yoke of slavery, whose souls remain as guardians and spiritual advisors to those who seek guidance and protection. In other words, they were souls/spirits that had incarnations as Slaves in Brazil. Some were born in Africa and were taken to Brazil, and others were born in Brazil but also lived during the period of slavery.

Despite living in this challenging and oppressive period, the Pretos Velhos were slaves who transcended pain, anger, anguish, affliction and transcended all these challenges and densities and knew how to have wisdom, love, compassion, and understanding and, therefore, ascended, becoming Spiritual Mentors. Through pain, they learned to love and forgive unconditionally, just as God the Father/Mother teaches. In this way, they ascended and evolved spiritually, receiving the mission of helping the incarnate and disembodied on their evolutionary journey.

Some ascended in life as slaves, others in subsequent lives. But they choose to appear and present themselves in the guise of Preto Velho because humans can better receive them and be listened to with affection since their objective is to guide and contribute to humanity; this is, let’s say, a “strategy” that works for the greater good.

Father João de Aruanda, for example, has already explained that he also lived as a Roman centurion. However, if he appears to speak in this guise, he could end up scaring people, so he chooses to introduce himself as Preto Velho since people “stop to listen better this loving outfit he has.”

This shows that the Pretos Velhos have also had several incarnations on Earth, just like us, but that they have already reached a level of evolution and growth where they no longer need to incarnate and can now work spiritually for the good of humanity and help us in our own evolution, ascension, and planetary transition.

Pretos Velhos are usually part of groups that can refer to their origin on Earth or to spiritual cities where they are located, such as:

Pretos Velhos de Aruanda
Pretos Velhos de Enoque

Pretos Velhos of Bahia

Pretos Velhos from Africa

Here are some examples of Preto Velho people from these regions:

Father João de Aruanda

Mother Maria Conga of Aruanda

Father Jehoiachin of Enoch

Father John of Enoch

Grandma Joaquina from Bahia

Grandma Cambinda from Bahia

Father Joaquim of Angola

And many other spiritual mentors. If you usually orient yourself with these beings of light, comment below on the Pretos Velhos you know. We would love to know!

What day is Preto Velho Day celebrated?

On May 13th, the day of the Abolition of Slavery in Brazil, Preto Velho Day is celebrated. It is a day to celebrate and honor those who teach us a lot and help us on our spiritual journey.

Preto Velho Day is an excellent day to give thanks for the blessings received and ask for enlightenment, clarity, and guidance for your paths.

How Preto Velho People Can Help Us

Pretos Velhos are known for bringing guidance, clarity, comfort, and support. You can certainly ask for help from these beings of light in moments of doubt, insecurity, hopelessness, and uncertainty.
But don’t wait until you’re in one of these situations to call these mentors! On the contrary, we recommend calling them daily in your prayers and meditations.

Ask for protection for your paths, your home, and your work. Ask for clarity and guidance for your choices so that you are always aligned with your soul plan and with the forces of Light. Ask for wisdom to make the best choices for your paths, which are the most divine things that are already available to you. May they give signs and guidance through intuition, always showing where you will serve the light and experience joy and happiness.

And even if you want guidance on a specific question or doubt, you can call them. On the other side of the veil, there is no small or large request for a life point. Important or less important. There is no such judgment for them, and there is only helping those who ask. But remember to ask. No entity, even from light, can interfere with our free will. Therefore, they can only help when asked.

Pretos Velhos are also the perfect spiritual mentors when it comes to removing evil and negativity. Whether it’s envy, greed, or something heavier, they remove any and all negativity and undo any demands that may have been created and sent to you or by you. They clean everything! Therefore, it is very common to see Pretos Velhos working with plants such as rue or guinea, which are deep-cleansing herbs.

Finally, Pretos Velhos also teaches us the importance of humility, patience, gratitude, and unshakable faith. They work in the phalanx of Mother Mary and the spiritual hierarchies; they are, as if, in the fourth dimension. Closer to the Earth dimension than, for example, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, and Acangelina Sofia (Mother Mary), who are in the 13th Dimension. This is just for you to understand a little about spiritual hierarchies, but this never means you cannot request communication and support from higher hierarchies. On the contrary, everyone works to assist humanity and Earth in their planetary transition and evolution into the fifth dimension.

How to communicate with Pretos Velhos

You can call them simply and directly in your prayers and meditations. Make sure they listen and respond.

For example, if you ask Pretos Velhos to do an energy cleansing and smoke in your house, they will do it!

But if you want to talk to one of them but haven’t yet expanded your intuition and mediumship, you can look for a medium who works with one of the Pretos Velhos. Through channeling or incorporation, the Medium will be a vehicle for the Preto Velho to speak to you.


We are not alone! Spirituality gives us enormous support, especially this phalanx of light called Pretos Velhos.

You don’t have to go through anything alone or walk this journey alone.

Call for them, and the Pretos Velhos will love helping you!

Save your strength, dear reader! May you always vibrate the light on this planet of ours!

And save the Souls! Save the Pretos Velhos!

With love and axé!


PS: I usually work with Vovó Maria Conga de Aruanda, an old black woman who was incarnated in Brazil and today helps humanity through various mediums.

You will soon find her story and channeled messages that are authorized to be published here on the Blog.

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