The message below was channeled during a live broadcast on YouTube. See how to navigate transformations in the best possible way:
For those joining our gospel for the first time, welcome. Here we meditate, call on our mentors, and work as a point of connection between spirituality and matter. I summon spiritual forces, lead a meditation, and then read a message from the Gospel According to Spiritism. I consider this a spiritualist group, not tied to any specific religion. I greatly appreciate this gospel because it demystifies the distortions that portrayed God as a punishing figure in the Bible.
This transmission conveys the messages delivered by Master Jesus, helping us read, remember, relearn, and apply them in our lives. By doing so, we stay on track, not to avoid being “sinners” but to prevent ourselves from getting caught in the web of unconsciousness.
Speaking of low-vibration forces—the image that comes to mind is from Spider-Man 2, featuring Tobey Maguire, where Venom is this sticky, black substance that looks like oil, taking over Spider-Man’s body until he becomes completely corrupted.
That’s what low-vibration entanglements do—they engulf a person like a spider’s web. You might wonder: “Oh my God, should I be on guard all the time, worrying about being attacked by something outside?”
On the contrary! What truly dominates you is when you immerse yourself in anger, arguments, envy, complaints, and daily negativity.
How Do I Avoid Being Caught by “Venom”?
By maintaining a high vibration, stepping out of the frequency of unconsciousness, and awakening your consciousness. Elevating your consciousness shifts you to a different timeline, removing you from low-vibration realms. In that elevated state, none of this negativity can touch you.
How Does This Work?
Consider the example of Mother Mary, who every evening at 6:00 PM descends into the lower astral plane to rescue souls and take them to spiritual hospitals. If her mind were weak, filled with complaints and negativity, she wouldn’t make it out.
Her high energy and 13th-dimensional consciousness transform the energy around her, enabling her to lift those souls.
We are living in a planetary transition. The third dimension is dense and heavy. The test is whether we transition to the fifth.
Do we need a spaceship to land and rescue us? Will Archangel Michael pull us up out of mercy? No.
It’s our inner transformation that transports us to a higher vibration. That’s why 2024 felt heavy for many—people faced their darkest moments to react differently and reform their patterns, minds, and behaviors.
It’s not about getting rid of problems but reforming what resonates with negativity within us. By doing so, we no longer belong to dense vibrations.
Navigating Dense Spaces
We all visit places with dense energy, like hospitals, supermarkets, or malls. Hospitals, for instance, are more energetically dense than cemeteries because living bodies in hospitals emit ectoplasm, attracting obsessors.
How Can I Handle This?
Be like Mother Mary. If you’re a fifth-dimensional doctor, you transform your patients. Nothing negative touches you. When you elevate your consciousness, even necessary visits to dense spaces won’t affect you.
Maintaining Transformation
It’s about sustaining the new frequency after breakthroughs. If someone heals physically from cancer, they must also transform emotionally and mentally; otherwise, the disease may return.
This applies to health, finances, relationships, and careers. Don’t get caught in the planetary web of low vibrations. The planet’s energetic grid has both elevated and dense frequencies. You choose where you tune in.
How Do You Maintain High Vibration?
Humility. No matter your status—a billionaire, spiritual master, or doctor—recognize that you are both a teacher and a student.
Highly intellectual individuals must guard against arrogance. Parents should communicate with their children rather than dictate from a place of superiority.
Spiritual therapists must avoid using spirituality as a weapon to feel superior to others. Everyone has their unique path to awakening consciousness.
Practical Steps
Jesus, though a high-dimensional being, asked for help: “Father, help me.” So why are you trying to maintain sanity alone? Ask for assistance from spiritual mentors.
If your weakness is road rage, ask for serenity while driving. If parenting challenges you, seek guidance from spiritual masters.
Spiritual tools, like the Violet Flame, help cleanse energy, but sustaining that cleansing is your responsibility.
Living Through Peculiar Times
We’re in a peculiar period—neither delicate nor promising. Those choosing a better life, planetary transition, and self-evolution must practice daily awareness.
Prayer and vigilance mean maintaining consciousness and attention. Each time you engage in spiritual practices, it’s like removing a veil of unconsciousness.
A Call to Sustain Transformation
You chose to be here during this planetary transition to master yourself. Your higher self knows you can handle it. One day at a time, maintain elevated consciousness.
As more of us do this collectively, rapid changes will occur on the planet.
Message transmitted during the weekly Home Gospel meeting held in Portuguese on Rayani Immediato’s YouTube channel:
Watch with captions in your language: