Dear Diary, Nice to See You,

Dear Diary

I decided to start this new section on the Blog. I don’t know if people will read or be interested in this, but I feel like I need to do it. Let me explain why:

It might seem obvious for someone who is used to writing, creating lessons, and giving lectures to create another category on their blog quickly. The thing is, this new section is highly personal. And that’s where the challenge lies.

Let’s remember that I graduated in Literature, and one of my dreams is to publish a best-seller. Curiously, this is one of those dreams that gets crushed in the first semesters when you hear from a professor (and I quote): “If you’re here to write a book and become famous, give up. Because my drawer is full of best-sellers. Do you know how many things I’ve written that haven’t been published?”

God, that got on my nerves! First of all, today, having been a teacher to thousands of students, I find it unethical and irresponsible to use your personal experience, especially your lack of courage, to limit other people’s dreams. It’s so reckless that you could put someone into depression with such nonsense.

Secondly, the six years of college were a test of resilience in dealing with these professors. A year after graduating, I studied digital marketing and opened an online dubbing school. The school was so successful that it quickly became the largest in the country, and what I did the most was write! I wrote two dubbing books, more than five teaching methodologies and their respective manuals, and a lot more!

However, the more I advanced in my career, the more I became a person with opinions in the drawer.

When I realized that what I say matters and dramatically influences my students, I became much more careful with what I write, say, and post. This is good on the one hand; it shows responsibility and how seriously I take what I do, but on the other hand, it has limited me a lot.

There were countless times I stopped posting, publishing, or saying something because people might misinterpret it. So, every time I design a new course or write an article here for the blog, this material is full of research, well-founded, but extremely careful not to interfere with what I think or feel. At least I try my best.

But as I teach my students, the field of ideas is out there. Napoleon Hill called it Higher Intelligence. It’s that morphic field where ideas hover, waiting for someone to connect with them so they can come down as a download and insight for that person.

And that’s how I’ve accessed and downloaded three entire books—not just any three books. They are the kind of projects that just thinking about them gives me butterflies in my stomach, and I get excited. Since I have mentored entrepreneurs for many years, I can say that these projects generally succeed because they have souls!

However, when I least expected it, life took its turn, and I found myself with these three best-sellers stored in the drawer (or, rather, in my computer’s cloud)—just as that blessed professor programmed me (read about Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

I was stunned! Angry! And indignant!

And that’s how this new section on the Blog came about.

I will start practicing them here to unlock and dust off my best-sellers.

And why here and not in the other sections and categories of the Blog?

Because I want to make it clear to people who read this content (thank you for being here!) that the blog is a serious project with articles that involve research and an attempt at impartiality on my part as a writer.

And here… Ah! Here is another story! Here is my backyard. It’s the chat that happens inside my head. Here it’s me and my opinion. My feelings. It’s what I feel like writing.

Sometimes, it might be my higher self speaking. Sometimes it’s just really me. But here, it’s me.

I will share with you, dear diary, the things that are hot and hyped in my mind. What hasn’t turned into a class, live, or lecture yet. I won’t wait to digest it to share it with you. I’ll share it while savoring it along the way. And together, we’ll see where this leads.

Talk to you soon, dear diary!

This weekend I watched some movies that I’ll share with you soon!

See you!

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