Commander Ashtar – “Message for the Year 2025”

Commander Ashtar; Comandante Ashtar Sheran

Greetings, Family!

It is good to be here once again! We have reached a crucial moment in your evolution as a human species! These are transformative times! At this moment, it is I speaking to all of you, Ashtar, through Neva. Listen to Ashtar, through Neva, speaking now. It is always a great joy to speak with you, my dear ones of (*) Shan!

You are approaching a moment of unprecedented revelations. Highly advanced souls have entered the tunnel of incarnations to collaborate with this planet’s development. These souls will provide support for these revelations, which will forever transform the humanity of Shan within you. Our ships are positioned in strategic locations to ensure nothing deviates from the plan. Many of your scientists have already detected our endless fleets traveling through infinite space and approaching Shan. Nothing can stop what is coming. The liberation of Shan from the darkness will happen, and no remnants of the realm of evil will stand against me and my people. We come in peace, but we have all the necessary strength to prevent further atrocities against the human species.

I know you still fear the possibility of another world war, considering the ongoing conflicts in Shan. Dear brothers and sisters, this is out of the question. There is no chance of it being triggered. My fleets are spread throughout this system, well-guided and authorized to intervene in the event of an imminent risk of this nature. Keep your minds and hearts at peace, sending the best vibrations of love to those environments fueled by the forces of darkness, so that these remnants of cosmic conflicts transferred to Shan may dissipate more swiftly.

You spent 2024 in preparation, receiving powerful projections from your star family. You experienced a year of intense adjustments in your karmic processes, a year of calibration between your spirit and your physical body. You witnessed changes in your ways of thinking and acting and were called to follow your hearts more because your soul’s truth has begun to express itself at the right time, and nothing can prevent it from being who it truly is.

Your soul will continue to reveal what has long been hidden, and our forces, in unison with yours, will trigger the necessary events for the transformation of Shan and its inhabitants.

The souls who will begin their incarnations from this New Year, 2025, will possess many active gifts, especially telepathy. You will enter this cycle of energy, and telepathy will begin to blossom within you once again. This is one aspect of your GNA activation—your Galactic DNA. Yes, 2025 marks the great start of the activation of your Galactic DNA. These activations will make what is hidden more evident. You will enter a period of great intuition. You will hear voices in your physical ears that you usually cannot hear. You will listen to nature around you as never before. This is the beginning of the great activations in Shan’s realm. Listen to these truths I, Ashtar, speak to you now through Neva. This is a great truth conveyed to the galactics incarnated in Shan at this moment. Listen to Ashtar now! I am a friend who has accompanied you for endless millennia! We are family! We are your immediate future!


I have guided Neva to speak to you about the necessity of necessary closures. It is a time of endings! You can no longer postpone the inevitable: your healing. Let go of what needs to be released and allow yourself to receive the NEW. Your DNA is ready to return to its potential, my dear ones. Your GNA is asking for space, and nothing will stop it.

Some cuts are necessary, and they will bring peace to your hearts. Answer me now in your hearts, dear ones: What do you desire? How much peace do you need? Can you go after it? What if I told you that to have peace, you need to let go? Whatever it is, if it feels heavy, let it go! This is a call from your cosmic soul, which knows that you are beyond, that you can go beyond. Do not fear. Let go! I know whom I am speaking to now! I hear your hearts! I have been active with you in Shan for the last 26,000 years, but we know each other beyond that, infinitely beyond. I know the souls I am addressing now, my dear ones! So, I know you can let go of what is hurting you. It is no longer necessary! Listen to your souls! Make space for mighty Jupiter to bathe your 2025 with its influence, bringing expansion, opportunities, justice, happiness, and most importantly: FREEDOM! Do you wish to be free? Take the step toward it by letting go of what you know you need to release. I know whom I am speaking to now. I am Ashtar, the voice of the Galactic Command speaking now through Neva, addressing you, who are part of my people.

Do not fear the truth, for 2025 will bring it to you! Truths will unfold like a scroll, leaving many “speechless,” as the saying goes. Do not fear these necessary revelations! All of this is part of what is coming. The liberation of your planet depends on the exposure of the Truth.

You have learned many things that have kept you limited to what your historians and scientists have informed. Starting with your DNA! And that is what I want to speak about further.


You were taught that there is no life on other planets. You learned that Shan is the center of the universe, that you possess only five senses, and that your DNA is your genetic code containing ancestral genetic information. If you resemble your father, it’s genetics. If you resemble your mother, it’s genetics. If you bear traits from your ancestors, it’s genetics. But what about the soul? Where does it come from? You are not just a body with genetic information, so where is the information in your DNA? Where is the information that says you came from the Stars?

You learned that (**) DNA is a nucleic acid related to heredity, as it contains genetic information for each person and ensures its transmission. You learned that DNA is essential for passing characteristics to descendants, and that it resides in chromosomes, which are structures found in cell nuclei. Moreover, you were told that each of you has 23 organized pairs of chromosomes. This is what you’ve heard and what you believe. I don’t want to say it’s wrong. I want to say that something is missing. Your galactic ancestry is missing! The information of God is missing! The knowledge that you are immortal spirits is also absent! And the 24th pair of chromosomes, your connection to the stars, is missing!

Your science claims that only about 2% to 8% of your DNA is functional. The rest is “junk.” Is it really? (laughs…) That’s what they want you to believe. This “junk,” as they call it, is nothing less than God’s signature in you! This so-called “junk” is what they don’t want you to know the truth about. They make you believe it’s insignificant: “Oh, it’s something unimportant. It’s genetic trash. Nothing more to see here! We’ve checked it out; it’s unnecessary.” (laughs…) That’s what they want you to believe. But this will change, as our presence will make this clear.

This “junk” is, in fact, who you really are! That so-called “junk” is your multidimensionality, your innate gifts, and your extrasensory abilities! It is your inborn power! And this power can change matter! This power can transform everything! It can shift timelines, create things quickly, teleport wherever you wish, heal you from any illness, and prevent any threat from approaching you. That’s what the dark forces don’t want you to know, and they have planned this for millennia to strip you of your power, confining you to basic 3D senses. At most, they allow 8% of your DNA to be active. That’s what they say. But know this—you are on the path to your genetic parents, the Pleiadians, who have 98% of their DNA active. This is where you are heading. Imagine, dear ones, all that potential fully activated? Yes, your GNA—what we call Galactic DNA—is being activated, and 2025 will lead you to the dance of cosmic chromosomes!

Your spirit will begin anchoring God’s sacred codes and reactivating your GNA—your undeniable galactic heritage—and no one can stop this. Your spirit will receive the signal of your cosmic heritage and, in turn, transmit it to your etheric system, which will also receive these codes, activating the GNA in your soul. Your soul will, in turn, send the codes to your physical body, gradually transforming your scientifically known DNA into GNA, your Galactic DNA. The currently functional 2% to 8% of your physical DNA will begin to rise quickly. No one will be able to stop this! This is God’s will, your path toward the stars, even in your physical body, on Shan. When I say that 2025 is a year of endings, I speak the truth! It is the year you will conclude a 26,000-year journey veiled by false information and finally begin a cellular restructuring with sacred codes in activation, reactivating your GNA, with the 24th pair of chromosomes permanently connecting you to the Stars! The 24th pair is multidimensional; it is your connection to perceiving beyond three-dimensionality. That is where you are heading. 2025 is the starting point for these grand transformations. Of course, it won’t happen overnight, but it is a monumental step forward after 26,000 years of containment and blockages.


Now, do you notice that most children being born nowadays are “different”? There are children coming into this world without the Akashic blockages. They remember and will continue to remember. They will also increasingly read your thoughts. That’s right! Fully telepathic! They will know more about their bodies and how they function. Furthermore, they will know where older generations need healing! They are coming, dear ones; they will read, see your aura, sense your vibration, and perceive beyond. And do you know why? Because they are already arriving with their GNA activated! They already have the 24th pair of chromosomes activated. That’s what it is. They will assist you in this transition from a carbon-based cellular structure to a fully crystalline one!

These children will grow without the programming. They will not be controlled, and many of you will learn from them. Understand that when I say they won’t be controlled, I don’t mean they’ll lack discipline; I mean they won’t be consumed by the Matrix, which is finally collapsing. They will come filled with love. By 2030, you will see this very actively. Don’t be surprised if you see children levitating while playing, much like many Tibetan monks do. You, too, will return to doing this. This isn’t a secret! It’s innate within you, believe it!


In 2025, there will be an internal struggle—a battle between the old resisting the New. Yes, dear ones, it will not be easy because many of you hold deep attachments, beliefs, limitations, and insecurities rooted for millennia in your etheric structures. Freeing yourselves from this won’t be simple, but I guarantee you can do it. I have said this before: How much do you want peace? The extent to which you desire peace will indicate how much strength you will have to transcend attachments and fears and take the necessary steps forward.

You desire our presence in your skies; we know that. You want our landings on Shan’s physical realm, but how prepared are you really for this? What if it comes with the need to release what you hold as your ultimate truth? What if it requires you to part from something you deem essential in your life? What if that “essential” is just another attachment or belief? Do you realize how much you will need to work to truly transcend the old “You” and move toward your TRUE multidimensional self? 2025, dear ones, as I’ve said, is a year of endings and breaking beliefs. There will be breaks in belief systems! This is part of it; it’s inevitable. Ask yourselves now: Am I ready? Is it really possible that an extraphysical being is speaking through a channel on Shan right now? Is it really possible that Ashtar is speaking through Neva at this moment? Oh… how deeply do I believe this? Do I believe it enough to understand that profound changes will happen within me and that these changes will depend on how ready I am to let go of beliefs and ideas that may have delayed me for millennia? Do I believe and am I ready to go wherever my soul wants to take me, trusting it simply because I feel it in my soul, which is greater than anything else? Or do I only believe up to the point where my beliefs, attachments, and ideas remain unchallenged?

I asked my group to start sending messages through Neva about various topics that need to be shared, and I know how this will shake many beliefs. This is necessary. Reflect on this, my dear ones!

I know my words may stir you on mental and emotional levels, but this is needed. Your fears are also understandable. After all, you have spent many years in darkness, walking the path back to the Stars in a challenging way—I know. But as I always say: no one could have done this better than you! You chose the deepest and most challenging experience a soul in this galaxy could endure. You had the courage to dive into immense disconnection for an epic experience. Yes, it is you—it could only have been you. And that same courage that led you to this experience is the same that will propel you back HOME, to the Stars. Welcome back, dear Starseeds! Welcome to the year marking the reactivation of your GNA!


My dear ones, do not fear the chaos that is gradually setting in within your financial markets. This, too, is foretold. Neva has already spoken to you about this. Neva, provide them with the information you wrote and shared about this. (

Do not fear your financial resources when they are earned lawfully. What is yours is yours—do not fear.

There will be more chaos in central computers. Some internal breakdowns will occur, which many of your bankers will try to keep from going public. Corrupt and controlling algorithms will be wiped out, causing some of the main financial computers on the planet to lose their “zeros.” The volatility of assets in these corrupt financial systems will become more apparent. Dear ones, keep your eyes on New York, Washington, London, and Rome from 2025 onward. Do not fear. My fleet and I are in control more than you can imagine—beyond what even the dark forces believe we are capable of. Their greed has blinded them to such an extent that they do not even consider the Stardust technology we possess. Neva, please relay to them, in your words, the Stardust Protocol. I will temporarily pause my transmission for this.

“The Stardust Operation was carried out by the Galactic Fleet and Ashtar Command, through Pleiadian members, from Earth’s orbit. Stardust is a code for a special advanced nanotechnology. It is a powder made of nanoparticles, which was sprayed into the physical bodies of negative elite members and their supporters on and off Earth.

This nano-powder cannot be removed by any known technology on Earth or any dark technology. Its activation has two phases: the first phase immediately blocks the central nervous system, rendering the person immobile. The second phase is lethal. The Ashtar Command does not intend to use the second phase.

The purpose of the Stardust Operation is to neutralize potential collateral effects that negative elites might attempt in their desperate attempts to escape. They could try to detonate a nuclear weapon or cause chaos in populated areas. This protocol practically paralyzes any negative action from anyone in these negative governments who might attempt to launch weapons of mass destruction in retaliation against the Ashtar Command’s presence. This technology will only be activated at a crucial moment when Ashtar’s fleet appears in the skies and many government leaders and dark agents panic and attempt a negative response. At that time, Ashtar will give the command, and this technology will be activated from Ashtar’s mothership, physically paralyzing any dark members within the solar system, especially on Earth. I discuss this extensively in the Intensive Course on the New Quantum Financial System ( and in the book of the same name (”

“Ashtar, I am open to resume your transmission.”


Yes, Neva, resuming the transmission, dear ones. There is nothing to fear. The dark forces, as I mentioned, have lost themselves in their arrogance, and this will lead to their downfall. I, Ashtar, am tasked with escorting them. I, Ashtar, am not at war. I am at peace and carry the Galactic Codex with me, commissioned by the Cosmic Christ to guide Shan’s humanity to freedom. And so it shall be! This is another warning to the elites of your world, who persist in clinging to oppressive power: “I, Ashtar, speaking through Neva at this moment, warn you: you cannot hide from me, from my commanders, and from Divine Justice. Surrender immediately, for time is running out. There is nothing left for you but to surrender. Shan’s humanity is free! There is nothing more you can do. There is nowhere left to go or hide. Your clones are being deactivated. Your caves are being monitored by my forces. Your portals are closed. Your ships have no traversal capability. Listen to Ashtar: there is nowhere to go but to my presence.”


Dear allies of Shan, do not be alarmed if you hear strange noises in your skies. There are situations unfolding as the old Matrix grid is dismantled, which can produce metallic-like sounds. Portals are also being closed, while others are being opened by my fleets. There are specific times of increased activity: 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 9:00 PM, and midnight. During these times, whenever possible, send your luminous vibrations to the skies to accelerate the dismantling of the structure that has kept you imprisoned for the past 26,000 years. A special protective layer is being established, and a fully crystalline grid of light is being permanently set.


You have seen many of our ships in your skies recently. Let me reinforce that this is just the beginning. We have not even truly arrived yet. Our central ship is six times the size of Jupiter. The ship that will remain beside Shan is three times the size of your moon. Yes, your scientists are aware of this, and many connected to the ruling elites have begun a frantic race to build bunkers to escape our mere presence. It is futile because I can see them even beyond that. There is no place to hide. This is something my men and women of the Command will soon transmit to Neva. Do not be alarmed when the vibrations of our ships are felt, beyond any human vision.


My dear ones, I know I have shared much information today. There is much to digest. Everything is under control! Do not fear anything! Take care of yourselves and your planet. Preserve nature and your entire environment. This is your home, for now. Love Shan, which has welcomed you so lovingly. Speak the truth! Do not remain silent in the face of lies! Be truthful, exemplary, and blessed representatives of the Christ who governs me. At this moment, I have tears in my eyes because of the immense mission entrusted to me and to those who are with me on this mission—I mean, you.

I have asked Neva to organize the Annual Event of 2025 in the strength of GNA Activation. Be with me, physically or in spirit. Be with me in some way. If you cannot attend physically or online due to the karmic synchronicities of your transcendent destinies, join with your heart, your thoughts, your will, and your soul. I will be present at this annual gathering once again, where I will amplify the activation of your GNA. Come with me, and together, we will recode the presences in Shan.

Beloved ones of my heart, there are so many more things I would like to share. But this is enough for now. I love you! You are my Family! I am the Voice of Commander Ashtar, speaking through Neva, and I share these Truths with the certainty of imminent transformation!

And so it is!


Your brother,


Note: Commander Ashtar asked me, Neva, to officially extend the invitation to the 2025 Annual Sementes das Estrelas Event. He said: “I want my commanders with me once again.” (Event Registrations for 2025: He also emphasized: “It is a year where I will work extensively on the throat and frontal chakras of all of you. Let it flow…”

(*) Shan = Earth. This is how Ashtar and many in the Ashtar Command refer to Planet Earth = Shan.
(**) DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid): A nucleic acid that stores genetic information in most living beings, contained within chromosomes in the cell nucleus.

Channel: Rafael (Neva)


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