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Rayani Immediato

I am a medium, spiritual teacher and entrepreneur. Started my content career in 2016 when I created the largest dubbing school in Brazil. In 2018 felt overwhelmed after achieving all the external results I wanted. That's when I reconnect with my spiritual path and deeply studied personal growth and spirituality. I founded a spirituality school called Olimpo and I have trained hundreds of students since then. I created this blog to bring awareness and clarity to humanity.

Rayani Immediato
Pretos-Velhos; Preto-Velho; Preta-Velha

May 13th – Pretos Velhos’ Day

Introduction: The Pretos Velhos are Spiritual Mentors, entities of Light, active with humanity on Planet Earth. They are part of the Legion of Mother Mary and usually work with spiritual cleansing, removing demands and negative energies from people and the environments in which we work. They are also known for bringing messages of great wisdom,

May 13th – Pretos Velhos’ Day Read More »

Creative Visualization

How Creative Visualization Can Transform Your Reality and Personal Development

Introduction How we perceive the world around us plays a crucial role in the quest for a fulfilling life and meaningful achievements. The mindset we cultivate and the images we project in our minds not only shape our daily decisions, but also directly influence our personal and professional achievements. In this context, creative visualization emerges

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Sacred Connection: 5 Places to Visit Where Nature Connects You with Spirituality

Introduction: Nature has always played a significant role in humanity’s spiritual journey. Since time immemorial, people have sought nature as a refuge for the soul, a space for contemplation and a source of inspiration. Connecting with nature not only calms the mind but also nourishes the spirit, providing a sense of peace and inner harmony.

Sacred Connection: 5 Places to Visit Where Nature Connects You with Spirituality Read More »

Bezerra de Menezes

Bezerra de Menezes: The Doctor of the Poor and His Legacy of Healing and Spirituality

Bezerra de Menezes, known as “The Doctor of the Poor”, is an emblematic figure in the history of Brazil. Born in 1831 in the small town of Riacho do Sangue, in Ceará, Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes Cavalcanti stood out for his unconditional dedication to medicine and his deep spirituality. His life path is marked by

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Exploring the Roots of Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Finding moments of tranquility and inner peace can seem challenging in today’s busy days. This is where the practice of meditation comes into play. Meditation, long practiced in many cultures worldwide, offers an effective way to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote greater emotional well-being. In this modern era, where anxiety and the fast

Exploring the Roots of Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Read More »

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